At BrilliantRead Media, we always strive to bring meaningful and powerful stories from India and around the world to empower and motivate our growing community. As part of this endeavor, we invited Dr. Sai Sanskrithi for an exclusive interview with us. Preethika Shenoy is a Leader, Author, Productivity Manifestation Coach and an Influencer. Let’s learn more about her incredible journey, her background, and her advice for our growing community!
Excerpts from our exclusive interview with Preethika;
Could you please talk us through your background and your journey as a ‘Coach’?
I am a Productivity Manifestation Coach and Author. I worked as an IT Professional for 12 years before changing my career trajectory.
After completing my Engineering, it was not easy to get a stable job as a software developer due to the recession. I have worked in various startups and at times I have worked in two different companies at the same time (with their consent). But not having a stable job was affecting my mental health and I was having all the symptoms of depression.
In September 2014, I stumbled upon The Secret Law of Attraction and that changed everything. I manifested the exact job that I wanted and many other things that were missing in my life, some of them were too good to be true!
After practicing The Law of Attraction for 8 years, I started discovering why people are suffering so much in their lives and why they are not able to apply Law of Attraction. This is how I started helping people, only to realize that just Manifestation tools are not enough. It is also important to understand human psychology and see why even if Manifestation techniques are being followed, people are unable to be highly productive. I researched on this and realized that productivity tools and understanding procrastination on its core level is as important as Manifestation tools.
That is why I wrote my book ‘The Art of Manifestation’ to help people understand Law of Attraction the simplest way possible and then as a Coach, I help them with their limiting beliefs to eliminate procrastination for good and be their best productive selves. I am also learning Masters in Psychology so that I can take my skills as a Coach to the next level.
I am also working on my second book ‘The Art of Productivity’ which contains all the productivity tools as well as my learns from helping 30+ people with their productivity issues.
How do you manage to keep going despite the challenges? What drives you?
The joy of seeing people’s lives change!
I have helped 30 people so far. Seeing them live their best lives and seeing them manifesting wonders after attending my sessions make me so happy and proud of my students for putting in the effort, learning from me and applying it in their day-to-day lives is a happiness I had never experienced before.
Who do you believe has been the biggest source of motivation in your daily life?
My daughter and my mentors.
Since my daughter was born, I wanted to do something that made her look up to me and be inspired by me. Everything I do is for her.
I am so grateful that I got the privilege to learn from some of the greatest mentors in the country and world.
Dr. Meghna Dixit, Puja Puneet and Pooja Anand helped me understand my own limiting beliefs that were stopping me from my goal.
Blair Singer, Siddharth Rajshekhar and Puja Puneet taught me how to be a good coach and how to market my services.
This has been my biggest motivation to charge head-on towards my goal.
What are some of the strategies that you believe have helped you grow as a person?
Self-Love: As a perfectionist, I used to never be proud of myself and always found faults in myself. Self-love changed me so much. It has been a long journey to love myself truly and unconditionally but as I grew closer, I was seeing I was getting better and better every day.
Self-Awareness: Being mindful of my thoughts helped me not get involved with my own thoughts and fall into a vicious cycle. This awareness and being watchful of my thoughts and actions made me check every time whether my thoughts, feelings and actions are in alignment.
Kindness (especially to myself): This is again an extension of Self-love but the reason I am writing this separate is that we don’t realize when we are not kind to ourselves or others. Being kind helps us build our relationships to others and ourselves much better.
Seek help: Courage to seek help has been the biggest challenge for me as I have always learned that seeking help is a sign of weakness. Actually, it is the most courageous thing to do. So whatever needs courage can never be in a weak person’s capability.
Be Weird, Normal is Boring: We all try hard to fit in with our peers, but it will only take us so far as our peers. It is okay to stand out. It is okay to be different. It is okay to want to work hard in a business where 9 to 5 jobs are glorified. It is okay to be sensitive in this mostly insensitive world. To go deep into this topic, I have launched a podcast by the name The Sensitive Power which explains why being sensitive is so important and how it can take you to your destiny sooner.
In your opinion what are the keys to success?
Clarity of Goals – Defining your goals even if it sounds scary has been one of the key pointers to my success. When I say clarity, I mean clarity of where you are and clarity of where you want to reach. If you are not able to get clarity in any one of these, then reaching success is impossible.
Law of Attraction – Please learn the Law of Attraction. This will make success far more easier. The best way to learn is from my book The Art of Manifestation as I have made is super simple for anyone to understand. The most common feedback I got for this book is that my book has been the first ever book they completed reading.
Being Kind to Yourself – There will be times when you can falter, or some other obstacle will be on your way. Being angry at yourself is the best way to sabotage your success. Please be kind to yourself. It will take you to your success faster.
Courage to move ahead inspite of fear – Understanding courage and fear is one of the most important keys to success. We need to understand that courage is not the opposite of fear. Courage is moving ahead despite fear.
Being positive – This is easier said than done. But learning Manifestation will make it easier to be more positive every day. But if there is something that is still stopping you, please connect with a Life Coach to remove the blockage and move on.
Being mindful of what you consume – Consumption could be of any form. Whether it is junk food, alcohol, negative news, self-deprecating humor on social media or hanging out with negative/close-minded people, make sure that you always consume anything that ONLY helps you grow. Otherwise, your success can delay to a very large extent.
Celebrate your success!
This has been a very difficult thing for me to do. Once I achieve something, even if it is big, I have been telling myself that it is no big deal, instead of celebrating my success. Once I learned to celebrate my success, I have noticed that I have been reaching my milestones faster.
What advice would you give to our readers?
Most people I see, hesitate to do the inner work. When I say I am a Life Coach, there are many people who tell me that “I am fine, and I don’t need a Life Coach”. This happens because most people equate a Life Coach to a Doctor or a Psychiatrist.
We need to understand that a Life Coach is none of those. I call a Life Coach a ‘Gym for the mind’. You do not go to a gym when you are sick. You go to the gym when you are fine but want to take your physical resilience to the best of your ability.
Similarly, a Life Coach will make sure to rewire your brain so that you can tap into your highest mental potential so that you can easily reach your goals.
So please go to a Life Coach now instead of regretting it when you realize this at 50!
Last but not least, what about your journey that makes it satisfying/exciting
(1) Time independence – I can choose to work when I want, and I can choose when to not work. Usually, I work for around 6 hours a day and make more money than my IT Salary.
(2) Feedback – When I get amazing feedback from my clients on either Productivity and/or Manifestation, it just makes me so happy that I could bring a difference in people’s lives.
One of my clients reversed her diabetes by using my Manifestation Techniques!
One of my clients who had been struggling with her time as she is a single mother and entrepreneur, has now found enough time with her two small kids as well as her work!
One client who is 53 years old has resolved all her issues with her 87-year-old mother.
One client who was struggling to conceive and had many miscarriages is now a mother of twins (a boy and a girl). All she did was change her mindset. Now she is a Manifestation Queen.